Sunday, 9 August 2015

Scholarship is a conversation

The Framework definition: it is communities of scholars in a sustained discourse, where everyone brings some new insight into the scholarly conversation
No idea stands alone and is dependent on what preceded it. Each idea is just one voice of many and there is no single answer as every document may be created as a reaction to other ideas. There are various tools through which to converse as not all participants interact through written texts.
This week we have looked as "Scholarship is a conversation" more closely and I have to say that I understand it a little bit better. It's not just an abstract term hanging in the air. My colleagues seem to grasp the concepts so much easier than I am but it could be that I am very critical and first have to work out the significance of something new in my own mind. I have to say that the support and help I receive from classmates is overwhelming. So this week we have to formulate an assignment for scholars using "Scholarship is a conversation". We have to find a topic, draft 3 learning outcomes ,design 3 activities and show how each activity relates to a "knowledge practice" or "disposition"

So here goes:


Write an investigative report on the advantages and disadvantages of co-ed vs single sex schools. Your report should include:
  • Issues of safety (physical, moral, sexual etc.)
  • Academic performances of the different genders within the schools.
  • Social issues: socialising with the opposite sex in an academic setting. Advantages and Disadvantages.
  • Motivation of your thoughts on the topic.

Learning outcomes

  • Engage in scholarly conversation
  • seek out conversations that are taking place in their area of research.
  • Critically evaluate contributions made by others.


  • Find articles on the topic. You should critically analyse the content. Your report should include literature supporting both sides of the argument; pro- and anti co-ed schools. Articulate conflicting perspectives as expressed in various sources (Scholarship as a Conversation
  • Your report should include blog posts, journal articles, newspaper articles and social media posts.(Disposition: recognize that scholarly conversations take place in a variety of venues)
  • Comment on at least two blogs relating to the topic.(Disposition:see themselves as contributors to scholarship rather than only consumers of it)


  1. Dear Charlene,

    From your post one can tell that you have grasped the Frame: Scholarship as a conversation quite well. I also understand it in the way you have explained it.

    Just on your assignment, for me your first activity links more to the disposition that states "learners... seek out conversations taking place in their research area". The disposition you make mention of I understand it a bit differently. I feel its not a particular issue that judgement is withheld from by the researcher, but rather a specific piece of "writing" or scholarship as mentioned in the ACRL Framework.

  2. Thank you for you observation Nizam. I think I was also not 100% sure that is why I also mentioned the Knowledge Practice. It will take a bit of time for me to fully comprehend all of the Framdwork

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i Charlene

    I am not sure why my comment on this scenario was not saved. I replied two weeks ago.
    Nevertheless, I may have mentioned that it is important to be very clear when designing instructions, even learning outcomes. You should include : "Students should be able engage in scholarly conversation".

    I like your topic and choice of activities. Well done.
